PHP Laravel Framework Training
Information Technology Programs

This course is tailored for web developers and IT professionals who aim to master Laravel, one of the most popular and powerful PHP frameworks for web application development. Designed to provide a deep dive into Laravel’s features, including its elegant syntax, MVC architecture, and tools for tasks like authentication, routing, sessions, and caching, this training will guide participants through building high-quality, robust web applications. Through comprehensive modules, hands-on projects, and practical examples, learners will gain the skills needed to efficiently develop complex applications with Laravel.
What You’ll Learn
- Comprehensive understanding of the Laravel framework and its components
- Proficiency in building and maintaining modern web applications with Laravel
- Skills in implementing authentication, authorization, and security measures
- Ability to utilize advanced Laravel features for complex application development
- Expertise in testing, debugging, and deploying Laravel applications
Introduction to Laravel
Laravel fundamentals, MVC architecture, Advantages of using Laravel, Composer dependency manager, Laravel’s ecosystem and community
Setting Up a Laravel Environment
Installation and configuration, Homestead, Laravel Valet, Environment setup, Artisan CLI
Routing and Middleware
Basic and advanced routing, Middleware for request handling, CSRF protection, Route model binding
Controllers and Views
Controller basics, Resource controllers, Blade templating engine, Passing data to views, View composers
Database and Eloquent ORM
Database configuration, Migrations, Eloquent ORM, Query builder, Relationships, Database seeding
Authentication and Authorization
Built-in authentication system, Authorization techniques, Policies and gates, Password hashing, Socialite package for OAuth
Advanced Features
Task scheduling, Broadcasting and WebSockets, File storage, Email notifications, Package development
Testing and Debugging
PHPUnit for testing, Feature and unit tests, Debugging techniques, Error and exception handling
Deployment and Best Practices
Deployment strategies, Environment optimization, Security best practices, Maintaining and updating Laravel applications
Course Features
- State-of-the-art Facility
- Resource Material and Regular Assessments
- Applied Learning Opportunity
- Collaboration with Industry Professionals